Academically More Able

Every child is entitled to a high quality education, which recognizes them as an individual and offers a level of cognitive challenge that is personal to them.

All children have strengths and our dedication to meeting the needs of academically more able children is an intrinsic part of our inclusive practice. All children, including more able children have the right to have their abilities recognized and stretched.

Through a curriculum offer which is built on high aspirations for all, we endeavor to support all children to achieve and celebrate their individual strengths.

Our underpinning philosophy for more able learners is Aspiration, Inspiration, Celebration. Aspire high, inspire all and celebrate everything, is an approach which promotes challenge through intrigue and embraces success.

Alfreton Reaccreditation

At Alfreton Nursery School we endeavour to make every child’s unique learning journey an inspirational adventure

Alfreton Nursery Schools Intent

Blue Teaching Hub Stamp

- Goings On -

At Alfreton

Take a peak at some of our activities and the goings on at Alfreton Nursery School in our Gallery

View our School Gallery