Friends of Alfreton Nursery School (FANS)

Our FANS (Friends of Alfreton Nursery School) is run by past and present parents/carers. They support the school by organising events and activities, that not only bring the local school community together, but they also help to raise funds for school.

We hope that you will consider joining FANS and to get you thinking, here are 10 reasons to join

An open session to attend will be arranged soon, however, if you would like more information, please contact Neil in the office on 01773 520031.

At Alfreton Nursery School we endeavour to make every child’s unique learning journey an inspirational adventure

Alfreton Nursery Schools Intent

Blue Teaching Hub Stamp

- Goings On -

At Alfreton

Take a peak at some of our activities and the goings on at Alfreton Nursery School in our Gallery

View our School Gallery