Administration of Medicines Policy

Admissions Policy Alfreton Nursery

Anti Bullying Policy

Appraisal Policy

Authorised Leave of Absence

British Values & Community Cohesion Policy

Charging & Remissions Policy

Code of Conduct of Staff

Code of Practice for Governing Bodies

Computer Disaster Recovery & Security Plan

Confidential Reporting Code (Whistleblowing)

Critical Incident Policy

Every Child a Talker Policy

Fire Safety Management and Fire (Risk Assessment)

Freedom of Expression

Green Procurement Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Intimate and Personal Care Policy

Lettings Policy

Library Systems

Managing Allegations Against School Staff & Volunteers Procedure

Mental Health - Inclusion and Behaviour

Pay Policy

Personal, Social, Emotional Development Policy

Prevent Duty

Prevent Protocal Schols Vs 1 Oct 2017

Remote Learning Policy

SEND Policy

Sickness Absence Management

Stress - Context & Legal Background

Stress - Employee Guidance

Stress Management

Sun Safe Policy

Target Setting Policy
