Mental Health and Wellbeing

Valuing children’s need for belonging and attachment is central to our approach to inclusion and mental health. When securing attachments and fostering a sense of belonging, there is no time in a child’s life more important than the early years. Young children need to have their attachments recognised, respected, embraced and grown. We are dedicated to building sensitive and secure relationships with all children, thus enabling them to make the transition from home to school with growing confidence. We take an individual approach to every child and support their attachments and transitions between home and school with sensitivity and love.

At Alfreton Nursery School we endeavour to make every child’s unique learning journey an inspirational adventure

Alfreton Nursery Schools Intent

Blue Teaching Hub Stamp

- Goings On -

At Alfreton

Take a peak at some of our activities and the goings on at Alfreton Nursery School in our Gallery

View our School Gallery